A quick couple requests of some top Democrats: Harry Reid would you for once in your life please stop being such an ineffectual wussie. Barack Obama would you please tell the Republicans to either get on board or go jump off a damn cliff already. Get this DONE and get it done THIS MONTH.
That is all.
The insistence by Dems that health care reform be seen as bipartisan is beyond me.
This must be some inside political necessity that prevents the other side from making capital of the Dems going it alone.
I don't think 'W' would have cared about Dems in the same way that Dems want to make nice with the Repubs.
I think the cartoon spells it out clearly...the strategy of the Republicans is to scare and bully, while the Democrats need to be scared and bullied by the people to do what's in our best interest. They seem to be more scared of alienating the insurance company cash than the people who vote. Keep the pressure on, keep the phone calls and letters going.
Everything comes back to changing the system of legalized bribery now in place. That's the only change we can believe in at this point.
@Ernesto: "Everything comes back to changing the system of legalized bribery now in place. That's the only change we can believe in at this point."
A Granny amen to that! If you can find a way to make that happen, I'm all ears.
This is funny Ernesto, the dems need to establish a backbone!
"If you can find a way to make that happen, I'm all ears."
This group is doing some good work:
Call your senator and reps and thell them to co-sponsor the Fair Elections Now Act (H.R. 1826, S. 752).
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